Quick and Easy Steps to Becoming a Successful App Maker Today
May 6th, 2016

Mobile app development is booming these days. According to [Statista](http://www.statista.com/statistics/266210/number-of-available-applications-in-the-google-play-store/), this February, the number of available apps in the Google Play Store was 2 million, while in the Apple App Store it surpassed 1.5 million apps. The demand is continuously growing, creating significant app backlogs. Fortunately, codeless mobile app development platforms solve this problem by allowing anyone – even with little or no programming background – to become a successful app maker provided that he/she follows these 4 steps.
**Work out an Idea and Plan**
Over 25% of apps are used once and then never opened again. That is why you as a mobile app developer should start by talking to potential users, conducting surveys, and thinking through in detail the functionality of your app and the features it will support. Making sure the UI is user friendly and intuitive is also of paramount importance.
**Build Your App on a Codeless Platform**
Since codeless platforms like [Snappii’s](https://www.snappii.com/) have brought self-service mobile app creation to a vast audience, this step is significantly easier and faster than originally thought. With a “What You See Is What You Get” editor and ready-made templates, you can add necessary tabs, drag and drop elements and buttons, modify the design, and instantly see all the changes on your mobile device. As a result, mobile forms with multiple features and fields can be created and added into the app in just a matter of minutes.
**Test Your Work**
Quality Assurance (QA) or simply testing plays a vital role in the app creation process. QA should be involved at all stages, from concept creation to product release. While building mobile apps on the Snappii platform, app builders have an opportunity to immediately see the app in action on their mobile devices with our special Preview App, thereby timely identifying potential problems and fully debugging the application.
**Optimize Your App in the App Stores**
Getting a ready-made product and submitting it to the app stores marks the beginning of a new stage – App Store Optimization (ASO). Now your task is to ensure that your app gets easily found and downloaded by thousands of users, thus boosting search rankings and leading to new downloads and reviews. You can optimize your app yourself or entrust it to professionals, such as Gummicube. [Gummicube](http://www.gummicube.com/index.php) is a real expert in all ASO solutions and your tour guide on the path to the success your app deserves.
[Gartner](http://www.gartner.com/technology/home.jsp), a leading technology research and advisory company, coined the phenomenon called a “citizen developer” to describe any user building apps without programming skills. The main benefits of this approach are high development speed, agility, and lower costs. In a word, today anyone can join this solution and make thousands of dollars.
<Image src="https://res.cloudinary.com/gummicube/image/upload/v1708646155/upload/community/2784673767.jpg" alt="alex bakman" width="164" height="164" />
Alex Bakman is a successful tech entrepreneur and innovator. Since 1994 Alex has founded and grown 3 companies to $10+ million in sales. Now he is CEO and Founder of Snappii, a mobile business app development company, which was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Rochester New Hampshire. Snappii has created a platform for developing sophisticated, feature rich mobile business apps without writing any code. Moreover, Snappii offers a wide selection of ready-made industry specific apps that can be downloaded from the iTunes and Google Play stores.\_
Website [https://www.snappii.com/](https://www.snappii.com/)
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