What Happens After an App is Developed
June 28th, 2018

The custom software development process is complex and challenging. After developing an app, you might feel like you’re done, but not quite yet. There are several steps between finalizing the source code and launching your app in the App Store. These tasks will be completed by the [software development company](http://www.seamgen.com/) so you can rest assured that they will be completed appropriately.
**Quality Assurance**
Before moving past the development phase, an application should undergo a quality assurance process. [Q](http://www.seamgen.com/services/quality-assurance/)[uality assurance](http://www.seamgen.com/services/quality-assurance/) ensures that the application is bug-free and ready for your users. The QA team should check for ease of use, proper workflow support, compliance with external industry requirements, end-user acceptance, and integration with external systems. Once everything has passed QA, your mobile app is one step closer to the App Store!
A variety of test can be conducted to ensure that your mobile app is functioning correctly. This includes usability tests, functional testing, and performance testing. These tests ensure that features work as described in the requirements and that they are user-friendly and intuitive.
**Load Testing**
This step is essential to providing a great user experience. Imagine if every time a large group of people accessed your app, it crashed. It’s frustrating for your users and it might be their first impression of your app.
Load testing consists of putting simulated demand on your application. It is performed to determine a system’s behavior under both normal and anticipated peak load conditions. It helps identify the maximum operating capacity of an application.
**Product Website**
You don’t need an elaborate website, but at least a splash page that explains the functionality and purpose of your app. This is a requirement if you want your mobile app to be showcased in the Apple App Store.
**3rd Party Security Audit**
With the increased threat of security breaches and compromised accounts, maintaining your users’ information private is extremely important. Users will trust you to keep their information safe, and not doing so will harm your reputation.
**Production Checklist**
Before going live, you should create a production checklist to make sure everything is setup correctly. The specific items will depend heavily on the nature of your app, but some things to consider are:
* Setting third party services like notifications to production mode.
* Enabling real payments.
* Switching from a test database to the production instance.
* Turning on scaling and load balancing.
It’s time to identify the biggest challenges and opportunities for your mobile app. The most challenging aspect of developing an app is driving app adoption. It’s tough to get new users to download and use your app. Many apps in the app store are never even discovered or used.
Creating a go-to market strategy for your app is extremely important. Simply launching your app won’t attract hundreds or thousands of users. You need to make people aware that you’ve got a solution to their problem. You can work with a digital product agency that has experience in developing mobile apps as well as marketing, or you can hire a marketing consultant to help you create this plan.
**Getting into the App Store**
In order to get your newly designed and developed application into the App Store, you need to submit your app for review. You need to make sure your app is properly configured for release. You’ll need to submit several forms, marketing material, and screenshots and write a description.
Apple manually reviews all apps that are submitted, and it is possible for them to request that you make changes to your app to better comply with their regulations. When submitting your app for review you’ll want to update your product page. A few items to consider are your app’s name, icon, description, screenshots, app previews, and keywords. This white paper discusses how to [make the most out of your product page](http://www.gummicube.com/how-aso-works/aso) on the App Store.
**Software Updates**
It’s naive to think that the mobile app development process ends when the app is placed in the App Store. Think about your favorite mobile apps - they’re always making software updates to make performance improvements, introduce new features, and eliminate any bugs.
The mobile app software development process is challenging and can be overwhelming. Although it takes a lot of time and effort, the process is very rewarding. It consists of a lot of steps, each one providing value to the process. It may be tempting to cut corners, but you should never skip a step. If you are considering developing a mobile or web app, [Seamgen](http://www.seamgen.com/) is an experienced software development company that creates cutting-edge applications. They are willing to learn about your next project and help you get the ball rolling.
> **Author - Bio**
> **Jonathan Besquin**
> <Image src="https://res.cloudinary.com/gummicube/image/upload/v1708646155/upload/community/1482825253.jpg" alt="authorimagejonathan" width="93" height="82" />Jonathan Besquin is a Marketing Manager at Seamgen, an industry-leading **[custom software development company](http://www.seamgen.com/)**. His dedication to content creation has yielded fruitful results for the company. He enjoys sharing his strong knowledge base with the rest of the tech community and wants to help you succeed. Being an avid adventurer, he likes to get outdoors and travel around the world.
> Web: [http://www.seamgen.com/](http://www.seamgen.com/)
> Twitter: [https://twitter.com/Seamgen](https://twitter.com/Seamgen)
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> Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/seamgen/](https://www.instagram.com/seamgen/)
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